This interactive graphic shows the times in a game that NBA players normally play and when they normally sit on the bench.

Above are two parts of LeBron James' player page. The bars under the "Recent Games" heading are from the most recent games he's played in. There is one rectangle for each minute of the game. The color of each rectangle shows what percentage of that minute LeBron played in that game.
The "Year Totals" section includes all the games from those years. The colors vary based on how often he's been in the game during that minute over the whole season. It shows that LeBron has been resting in the first quarter earlier since he's become a Laker. And more consistently so in the 2019-2020 season. On his player page, clicking on the games or season will take you to separate graphics for them.
The visualization reveals patterns as you click around and explore. For example, you can observe the pattern of Dirk Nowitzki resting earlier and earlier in the first quarter as his career goes on. Or you can see how the 2017 Clippers pulled their starting lineup at close to the same time so that their second unit generally played together. And contrast that with the 2017 Warriors who gradually rotated bench players into the game.
You can view individual players, teams from different seasons, and individual games. Games are included from as far back as the 2003-2004 season.
Go forth, and explore the data.